Here are some facts about South Korea!
1. The name “Korea” comes from Goryeo, which was the name given to the dynasty established by General Wang Geon in AD 918. Goryeo means high and clear. Some poetic interpretations of the name Korea are Land of High Mountains and Sparkling Streams and Land of the Morning Calm.
2. Most restaurants, including McDonald’s, will deliver food straight to homes in South Korea.
3. In Korea, babies are considered one year old at birth.
4. When a Korean’s name is written in red ink, this indicates that that person is about to die or is already dead.
5. Along with Tokyo residents, Seoul get the least amount of sleep of any residents of major cities in the world, just fewer than 6 hours a night.
6. Korean high school students have 16 hours school day.
7. Taxis in South Korea are color coded according to the level of service offered. A gray or white taxi is a basic car with a qualified but potentially inexperienced driver, while the black cabs are luxury cars with experienced drivers.
8. Instead of air heaters, Koreans have heated floors called Ondol (warm stone) the heat is passed in pipes under the floor. In South Korea, more than 90% of the houses have ondol, and people eat, sleep, and watch TV on the warm floor.
9. South Korean martial art taekwondo is the country’s most famous sport. It literally means “the way of the fist and foot.” It most likely started around 2,000 years ago when a Korean warrior developed a style of fighting that used bare hands and feet instead of weapons. It is practiced worldwide today and became an official Olympic sport in 2002. It is the only Olympic sport that has originated in South Korea.
Thank you that's all